20220329 Non-Cancer Related Update

Happy March 29th! Whatever that means? This is my first non-cancer related post, I think. I would have to go back through all of my posts to be sure, but it doesn’t really matter, I guess.

About five years ago, I started keeping a journal. At first, it was nothing specific, I just felt a pull to start writing and keeping a journal of random thoughts, favorite quotes, feelings, etc. Once I found out I was going to be in a clinical trial, it seemed like a perfect way to track my progress. So, now I have two separate journals. Next, it was exercise. Coach Williams used to make us keep a weight training journal for football, so I started a similar journal to see what worked now, because what worked at 16 – 18 years old doesn’t work at 40 and beyond, at least for me and my health issues. My problem is I have this urge to keep things simple. I tried to consolidate my journals into one, do-it-all journal, which doesn’t work for the way I think, so I went back to keeping multiple journals.

Currently I keep four journals. My main journal is a medium Moleskine, square ruled notebook. I love the quality of the Moleskine brand and the square ruled has allowed me to draw technical or engineering type sketches if needed. The next journal is a pocket Moleskine, square ruled notebook that I keep on me almost all of the time. I keep this journal for anything from writing ideas, blog post ideas, grocery lists, or anything I need to write down now, before I forget. This may be the most important journal I keep. I keep another medium Moleskine, square ruled, notebook for cycling, weight training, yoga, health data, and nutritional data. This journal is new; I just haven’t logged my training on paper in quite a while, but I just love the feel of pen and paper and the accessability it provides. The last journal (for now) is a large binder, resembling a Trapper Keeper. I started this journal for a writing project I am workng on. I like this notebook because I can insert dividers to seperate chapters, ideas, research, sketches, etc. This is what works for me right now. It may change again because, like Will Smith, I am a work in progress ;). My main problem now is finishing a complete journal. I have a small stack of journals with blank pages. Some are from jobs that I left, or sometimes I feel like I just need a new start. I wonder if I am alone, or are there others out there like me, that can’t seem to finish a journal. It used to stress me out that there are blank pages that have been abandoned and left to be forgotten. Eventually I came to the conclusion that they are my journals and I can do whatever I want with them. I am the author of this story, which is my life.

So what about you? Do you keep a journal or two, or four? I would love to hear how you journal, and please tell me I am not alone in leaving unfinished journals. If you don’t journal, I recommend giving it a try. You might find out it helps relieve some of the stress of life, and you might find out you enjoy writing as much as I do.

Until next time; Just Keep Moving. #JUKEMO


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