Back Home Again…In Colorado

So far, my first blog/website has not gone as planned. Sometimes I tend to have grandiose ideas or plans, that don’t always come to fruition. That is ok with me. It doesn’t mean I am giving up on my ideas for this blog, it just means I didn’t account for some things, such as another week long stay in the hospital or a pandemic postponing the 2020 Tour de France and thus cancelling our trip to Europe (I will touch on this development in a later blog). So jukemo.com will continue. It is just very fluid right now and probably will continue to be so. I know I will update it at least once a month like I did with the clinical trial updates on Facebook, and then make entries as cancer treatments and new cycling goals take shape.

In regards to my most recent stay at Swedish Medical Center; I was admitted on May 12 and released on May 16. I would say this admission was just like all of my past admissions for extreme, intractable pain and vomiting, but I feel like we made some progress as far as a plan for cancer care moving forward when a hospital admission is required. I want to make clear that this is not a negative reflection of any physicians or nursing staff from past admissions. It is just that my cancer and treatment plan is complicated. The main takeaway from this visit, is that now we have a baseline as far as medications and treatment when a hospital admission is necessary to get me turned around. The doctors at this point, think that my pain in these cases is more likely due to scar tissue and muscular/bone “trauma”. This is where they have had to crack my chest and/or go into my thoracic area to remove tumors. When this pain presents itself, it gets so severe, it makes me sick to the point that I am vomiting every 15-20 minutes. It is brutal and once this starts, I have to say I think the vomiting and constant nausea is worse than the pain. So now, instead of guessing what will work, we have a baseline to start with that takes into account my cancer treatment medications and my tolerance as far as pain medication and time intervals and dosages. Now I will meet with my oncologist and pain doctor to discuss the hospitalization protocol and my cancer/pain treatment long term. These appointments will take place this upcoming week, so I will update the blog as soon as I know what is happening.

Take care all, and Just Keep Moving!


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